Source code for tletools.tle

The module :mod:`tletools.tle` defines the classes :class:`TLE` and :class:`TLEu`.

The library offers two classes to represent a single TLE.
There is the unitless version :class:`TLE`, whose attributes are expressed in the same units
that are used in the TLE format, and there is the unitful version :class:`TLEu`,
whose attributes are quantities (:class:`astropy.units.Quantity`), a type able to represent
a value with an associated unit taken from :mod:`astropy.units`.

Here is a short example of how you can use them:

>>> tle_string = """
... 1 25544U 98067A   19249.04864348  .00001909  00000-0  40858-4 0  9990
... 2 25544  51.6464 320.1755 0007999  10.9066  53.2893 15.50437522187805
... """
>>> tle_lines = tle_string.strip().splitlines()
>>> TLE.from_lines(*tle_lines)
TLE(name='ISS (ZARYA)', norad='25544', ..., n=15.50437522, rev_num=18780)

.. autoclass:: TLE
.. autoclass:: TLEu

import attr

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time

# Maybe remove them from here?
from poliastro.core.angles import M_to_nu as _M_to_nu
from poliastro.twobody import Orbit as _Orbit
from poliastro.bodies import Earth as _Earth

from .utils import partition, rev as u_rev

DEG2RAD = np.pi / 180.
RAD2DEG = 180. / np.pi

def _conv_year(s):
    """Interpret a two-digit year string."""
    if isinstance(s, int):
        return s
    y = int(s)
    return y + (1900 if y >= 57 else 2000)

def _parse_decimal(s):
    """Parse a floating point with implicit leading dot.

    >>> _parse_decimal('378')
    return float('.' + s)

def _parse_float(s):
    """Parse a floating point with implicit dot and exponential notation.

    >>> _parse_float(' 12345-3')
    >>> _parse_float('+12345-3')
    >>> _parse_float('-12345-3')
    return float(s[0] + '.' + s[1:6] + 'e' + s[6:8])

[docs]@attr.s class TLE: """Data class representing a single TLE. A two-line element set (TLE) is a data format encoding a list of orbital elements of an Earth-orbiting object for a given point in time, the epoch. All the attributes parsed from the TLE are expressed in the same units that are used in the TLE format. :ivar str name: Name of the satellite. :ivar str norad: NORAD catalog number ( :ivar str classification: 'U', 'C', 'S' for unclassified, classified, secret. :ivar str int_desig: International designator (, :ivar int epoch_year: Year of the epoch. :ivar float epoch_day: Day of the year plus fraction of the day. :ivar float dn_o2: First time derivative of the mean motion divided by 2. :ivar float ddn_o6: Second time derivative of the mean motion divided by 6. :ivar float bstar: BSTAR coefficient ( :ivar int set_num: Element set number. :ivar float inc: Inclination. :ivar float raan: Right ascension of the ascending node. :ivar float ecc: Eccentricity. :ivar float argp: Argument of perigee. :ivar float M: Mean anomaly. :ivar float n: Mean motion. :ivar int rev_num: Revolution number. """ # name of the satellite name = attr.ib(converter=str.strip) # NORAD catalog number ( norad = attr.ib(converter=str.strip) classification = attr.ib() int_desig = attr.ib(converter=str.strip) epoch_year = attr.ib(converter=_conv_year) epoch_day = attr.ib() dn_o2 = attr.ib() ddn_o6 = attr.ib() bstar = attr.ib() set_num = attr.ib(converter=int) inc = attr.ib() raan = attr.ib() ecc = attr.ib() argp = attr.ib() M = attr.ib() n = attr.ib() rev_num = attr.ib(converter=int) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self._epoch = None self._a = None self._nu = None @property def epoch(self): """Epoch of the TLE.""" if self._epoch is None: year = np.datetime64(self.epoch_year - 1970, 'Y') day = np.timedelta64(int((self.epoch_day - 1) * 86400 * 10**6), 'us') self._epoch = Time(year + day, format='datetime64', scale='utc') return self._epoch @property def a(self): """Semi-major axis.""" if self._epoch is None: self._a = (_Earth.k.value / (self.n * np.pi / 43200) ** 2) ** (1/3) / 1000 return self._a @property def nu(self): """True anomaly.""" if self._nu is None: self._nu = _M_to_nu(self.M * DEG2RAD, self.ecc) * RAD2DEG return self._nu
[docs] @classmethod def from_lines(cls, name, line1, line2): """Parse a TLE from its constituent lines. All the attributes parsed from the TLE are expressed in the same units that are used in the TLE format. """ return cls( name=name, norad=line1[2:7], classification=line1[7], int_desig=line1[9:17], epoch_year=line1[18:20], epoch_day=float(line1[20:32]), dn_o2=float(line1[33:43]), ddn_o6=_parse_float(line1[44:52]), bstar=_parse_float(line1[53:61]), set_num=line1[64:68], inc=float(line2[8:16]), raan=float(line2[17:25]), ecc=_parse_decimal(line2[26:33]), argp=float(line2[34:42]), M=float(line2[43:51]), n=float(line2[52:63]), rev_num=line2[63:68])
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename): """Load multiple TLEs from a file.""" if isinstance(filename, str): with open(filename) as fp: return [cls.from_lines(*l012) for l012 in partition(fp, 3)] else: return [tle for fn in filename for tle in cls.load(fn)]
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls, string): """Load multiple TLEs from a string.""" return [cls.from_lines(*l012) for l012 in partition(string.split('\n'), 3)]
[docs] def to_orbit(self, attractor=_Earth): """Convert to an orbit around the attractor.""" return _Orbit.from_classical( attractor=attractor, a=u.Quantity(self.a,, ecc=u.Quantity(self.ecc,, inc=u.Quantity(, u.deg), raan=u.Quantity(self.raan, u.deg), argp=u.Quantity(self.argp, u.deg), nu=u.Quantity(, u.deg), epoch=self.epoch)
[docs] def astuple(self): """Return a tuple of the attributes.""" return attr.astuple(self)
[docs] def asdict(self, computed=False, epoch=False): """Return a dict of the attributes.""" d = attr.asdict(self) if computed: d.update(a=self.a, if epoch: d.update(epoch=self.epoch) return d
[docs]@attr.s class TLEu(TLE): """Unitful data class representing a single TLE. This is a subclass of :class:`TLE`, so refer to that class for a description of the attributes, properties and methods. The only difference here is that all the attributes are quantities (:class:`astropy.units.Quantity`), a type able to represent a value with an associated unit taken from :mod:`astropy.units`. """ @property def a(self): """Semi-major axis.""" if self._epoch is None: self._a = (_Earth.k.value / self.n.to_value(u.rad/u.s) ** 2) ** (1/3) * u.m return self._a @property def nu(self): """True anomaly.""" if self._nu is None: nu_rad = _M_to_nu(self.M.to_value(u.rad), self.ecc.to_value( self._nu = nu_rad * RAD2DEG * u.deg return self._nu @classmethod def from_lines(cls, name, line1, line2): """Parse a TLE from its constituent lines.""" return cls( name=name, norad=line1[2:7], classification=line1[7], int_desig=line1[9:17], epoch_year=line1[18:20], epoch_day=float(line1[20:32]), dn_o2=u.Quantity(float(line1[33:43]), u_rev /**2), ddn_o6=u.Quantity(_parse_float(line1[44:52]), u_rev /**3), bstar=u.Quantity(_parse_float(line1[53:61]), 1 / u.earthRad), set_num=line1[64:68], inc=u.Quantity(float(line2[8:16]), u.deg), raan=u.Quantity(float(line2[17:25]), u.deg), ecc=u.Quantity(_parse_decimal(line2[26:33]),, argp=u.Quantity(float(line2[34:42]), u.deg), M=u.Quantity(float(line2[43:51]), u.deg), n=u.Quantity(float(line2[52:63]), u_rev /, rev_num=line2[63:68]) def to_orbit(self, attractor=_Earth): """Convert to an orbit around the attractor.""" return _Orbit.from_classical( attractor=attractor, a=self.a, ecc=self.ecc,, raan=self.raan, argp=self.argp,, epoch=self.epoch)